Tuesday, May 8, 2012

First picture is telling who is everyone, the second picture is my kinship chart.

 Yes my parents do talk to there siblings. My mother only has one sister, they weren’t really close up until recently and my dad has many siblings but because of a family fight he only talks to one sibling and his mother since his father passed away. My mothers parents have passed away, she only talks to her sister, Geri. As for my father, he talks to his mother and his sisters, he no longer talks to his brother. They all were close at one point in time but at this day in age, we currently are 3500 miles away so its rather hard to b close but we all try to talk on the phone as much as possible.


My mom is very social she talks to all her children and likes to keep them updated as well as be informed on whats going on. Its hard, but everyone lives there own life but m manages to talk to them in some part of the week. She really enjoys hearing about her grand kids and there accomplishments. My aunt unfortunately has cancer so my mother tries to talk to her as much as possible since they aren't currently in the same state. We use to all video chat, but now its called skyping. My mother has her own life, she works a part time job and then helps her own kids out as well as her husband. My dad talks to his mother and his oldest sister every day or at least try to. He works all different hours so he causally calls them when he gets the chance. During the holidays just the imidate family usually do things, meaning its my brother and I and my child with my parents. Since everyone else is married and has there own family events to go to. They all usually plan something way in advance to do. We all aren’t really that close but we try to be as much as possible since everyone has a lot going on for themselves. And especially since we all don’t live near each other.

My parents would ask there kids.. definitive depending on the situation. If it was something else they would ask a family friend. Both of my parents are really prideful so it would take a lot from them to really ask someone for anything when they need help.

My mother only talks to her sister , since bother her parents are no longer living. And my dad only talks to his mother and oldest sister, he doesn’t communicate with other members of his family since there was a huge personal fight that had went on.

Yes both my parents don’t really talk to a lot of there family members. So there is definitive a lot that they don’t know, not only names, but how old they are or what they do. We even there kids don’t associate with them since it just seems to carry that long and far. Its quite sad if you ask me. On another had the ones they do talk to they know mostly a lot about. And remember a lot of things as well. I would presume its because they talk to them more often then others.

Is the subject’s family located in a relatively central area or are they spread out geographically? Have family members migrated during his or her lifetime to another country? What were the reasons for this? How did this affect the family as a whole? OR if the family has tended to stay in the same place geographically, why have they chosen to do so? Most of my parents family is located on the east coast, more in new york. My sister and brother whom are married live out here yes but they live over an hour away so its close but far at the same time. My parents have told me that both of our grandparents have migrated from Italy to the states. To get a better life. My dads parents opened up a butcher shop. Them migrating here, to the states especially new york is where we all have been for years, and have lived most of our lives. They said that we have some people may live in Florida but its not people that we talk to.

1. The person that I have chosen to interview was both my parents. Both of my parents are white. My mother and my father. They were born in Brooklyn new york, they are both in there sixties and have been married since they were fifteen. They are catholic, and really Italian. My mom is German and Irish. The best way that I usually describe them to people is if they ever watched the Osborne on TV. There's always something going on here. And my parents cant hear so we talk really loud too. Its quite comical at times. But sometimes it can be very overwhelming as well.

2. What I thought that was best for me is that I just talked while we were eating dinner and dessert nothing out of the ordinary so that it wasn’t anything unusual and then I just jotted all the information down. Although they wanted to know why and it was hard at times to go through everyone, so we try to make the best of it. Yes it was sorta weird at times just cause I know that there is a lot of people that we don’t talk to so its weird to bring them up. But as for if it was someone that I wasn’t related to I think it might be weirder because you really don’t want to cross any lines but you don’t know so you have to ask so your like hesitant. So I guess they both have its ups and downs. Overall its was quite interesting.

3. Overall they would have to say that we do see that some of the family members are close and others aren’t (meaning that in the immigrate family we try our best but anything outside of that they think we have all just felt with not talking to each oher since its been so long), we are aware that everything takes time. But also that sometimes some people cant really get over things so one just has to move on. Everyone has different socialization levels since we all grew up differently as well as live in all different places now. they don’t see a pattern in any maternal or maternal patterns but they do see something of a lineage, which they do see that our family has come together from Italy and still strongly acts like Italians.

4. Conclude your post from your own perspective. (20 pt)

I know my mothers sister very well but not my dads family very well. As far as my siblings it varies with there schedule.

Do you socialize equally with them? Why or why not? I do talk to my moms sister, and my dads sister but hats it. I don’t talk to anyone else since its just been that way for years. We really don’t really talk.

I am not really sure if any family members have made an influence on any of the decisions the reason being is because my parents have gone off and been on there own since they were young. They have really done everything independently, if anything family members have asked them and needed them for anything.

Yes the family that has been married in is something that we don’t take well to, reason being there not what we are use to. Dont take well to how we are. As for the ones that have been born into the family, its just different we accept them since there blood and we cherish them like its really weird. Although we all have really different lifestyles we really try to make the best of it.

There is really no different attitudes based upon gender. Not at all.

What insights have you learned about your family through this exercise? That I have a really big family, and wish that we really did talk to the rest of the family, I really definitive miss the old times when we all got along and use to hang out. Because I now have a child, but since that doesn’t happen I just hope that some day it does cause it would be nice for everyone to just forget the past with whatever has happened with out parents and just live life to the fullest.


  1. I love how casual your conversation was with your parents. I found that I have a very secluded family as well. I talk to one or two family members and it is hard to keep in touch with a lot of the other extended family. I also wish that I had more contact with people in my family so hopefully we will both be able to change that.

  2. I absolutely love that your parents have been married for so long that is so wonderful I envy that! I also thought it was a little weird for me at times when talking to my cousin Ian about our family because both of our parents are divorced and he is very against it so to have to talk about it again was a little rough for him. It was also weird talking about people that we don't talk to much. I also wish that I had more communication and contact with my family, I have a big family on my dads side and we talk but on my moms side its smaller and we rarley talk which is sad.

  3. Thank you guys so much for your comments. I love my family very much , sometimes we are close while on other days it just seems we are not. I am not sure how i would ever deal with things if my parents were divorced. i am sorry to hear that from both of you guys. I do find it very wierd sometimes telling people about my family since we are different, but i am sure thats how everyone feels when bringing something up that is so personal.

  4. In general, good post. All points addressed and you did a much better job with presentation. Your initial section was very interesting... I'm not sure the questions you were answering, but it provided good insight into the body of your post. Good observation on the different attitudes toward blood vs. married relatives.

  5. I can definitely relate to family fights causing distance and broken relationships as my family has experienced too many to count. I think that it is more common with the older generation as pride can sometimes prevent one from giving in, however our younger generation is not immune to family fights. I can imagine though that with the distance and the disagreements, it makes it hard to stay in touch with those that are not close by. With today's technology we do have an advantage in maintaining long distance relationships, however it still is not the same as being able to physically visit those that you love.
