Tuesday, April 10, 2012

There Body rituals of Nacerima

this is what were were told to do :
Choose five (5) descriptive words you would use to describe the population Miner discusses.

 For each of your chosen words, write a short paragraph explaining why you chose this word and provide examples from the text that back up your choice of this word. (4 pts each for the word and the complete explanation.)

Magical beliefs and practices: i think that its not something that you hear of everyday of someone really doing, it stuck out to me that there are still people today that truely beleive in magic.I am sure that the anthropologist that was there in person an saw all this was just as intregued and intrested as i was just reading. In the text it was stated that they the Nacerima present to us that they are an example of the extremes to which human behaivor can go.

Ritual activity: this takes there magical beleif into action. this is something the Nacerima people really beleive in and hold to in strong bleifes that it is an everydy thing. its somethng that seems to be out of the ordinar in our life time but nothing but very strict in there culture. in the text thought its stated that the Nacerima devoted  ost of there day and time doing things as such. and there human body is there focus.

Shrines: now again, now a days you only really read about people and them beleiving and focusing there beliefs on shrines. i am sure once seen  its a true sight to see and hear about. in the text it was stated that they have one or more of the shrines that are devoted to debuil;ty and disease more powerfull person in the tribe have more but the lesser poorer people imatate the rich by applying pottery placks.

Herbologists:  i am sure someone has herd of this before, i have some people are just natural beleives in the law of the land especially helping you out when you are sick and healing. so this stuck out t o me cause its something ihave heard of. in the text they hyave what we call a medicine mn and they have powers and potions and Nacerima people prvide them with gifts and they get charms which go into there charm box and they the people in the trib hold onto it.

gums bleed, this was something i really wasnt sure of but i thought that it was intresting, they really are self consious about how they apear to other people in the tribe its quite cool after reading the whole article how well they take care of there body and family cause they might do things that are really different but in essence we do something thats different to them,. in the text it states that they are reakky horrible fasanated with there mouth they hae strong beliefs that go with there moutjhs.

1.  As an american i would have to state the descriptive words that i have used are out of the ordinary, meaning that i dont know of people today in america that still practice things as such that. I am sure there are some really religious beliefs that people have but as fas as how the nacmeria people do things its just for me i dont practice my religion like that. i am a practicing cathlic and i go to church and we listen to the priest. ususally once a week if not some people do it from home. we sing and listen to the priest talk about life morals. and its usually about an hour long and then we leave church and go home. nothing unusall usually happens, or atleasst i dont think so i think its rather moderate.

I would assume that the words that i have choosen descirbe them on what there are doing but how i feel what they do i dont think i am judging them but they the nacerima people might take it that i am juding them, but i truely just find what they do just so different and out of the ordinary for me from what i practice. Are any of your words free of bias?my words are free of biases, but its hard to explain if the reader might take it a different way, i am taking words that stick out to me and really caught my eye on describing these people such that of practicing magic, the herboligist and mouth bleeding, is somethings that they do. Which we dont see every day here. i mean this is just how things are for how there culture is. again its something that we as americans arent use to since we are more of a moderate nation.Meaning that today if i recall there are some limitations if you are from a different culture on how you are allowed to practice. since we have laws and regulations it creates a barrier on how one if practincg something such that the nacerima practices it wouldnt be tolerated in todays world i would tihnk. again i am not trying to be biases but one reading all this might interpit all differently. 

3.  to serve the same purpose i dont think i can, just because i picked such literall terms.meaning anything else is just going to be more explicit to what i am really trying to get across.

when one is a cultural anthropologist and going seeking out different cultures they defintley would have to be bias knowing that they themselves beleive in something that is comepletely different then what they are going to encounter. i am sure that it is extremely hard, but thats why one might ask questions and talk about whats going on and have a better undedrstand so that that biases can  be eliminated. i awm sure that its reallhy hard for someone to know have a persoabnl feeling towards anything that they see and that they beleve but it gets done :)


  1. Hi Vanessa, I completely agree with you on the religious background in OUR society. Nothing we do seems unusual. We go to church, praise, pray, and that is about it. Nothing out the ordinary. Also, we do not focus tremendously on just the religious. We have to work, got to school, etc in our society.

  2. Vanessa,

    Miner wasn't critiquing our religion but instead he was focusing on our beauty and health practices.

    Miner was describing the behaviors AS IF they were forms of religious practice because the devotion the Nacerima give to these behavioral practices is akin to religious devotion.

    I agree that the words you picked really seemed to be generally free of bias.

    I suggest you go back and re-read the article but without the misconception (another form of "bias") that this was directed toward religion and with the recognition that Miner was trying to describe our health and beauty practices as an outsider might.

  3. Hi Vanessa, I agree that your words are not biased. The only thing I seem to be confused about is the last part about cultural anthropologist being bias. I believe you mention that they show be bias, does that mean you think they go into a culture already having judgments and conceptions about the culture? I was under the impression that they had to be open minded and learn about a culture without making their own opinions. I know that we may make them regardless unconsciously but I do not believe an anthropologist would purposely write something negative or bias.

    I am catholic too and go to church and what you described sounds like a usual day in mass, I do not believe that anything strange happens either.

  4. I really liked how you finished out Part B of the assignment. It was an interesting take on bias and how anthropologist because of an inate bias are drawn to ask questions about the people they are studying. I think that is a fair statement to raise. If someone is curious it is out of a certain bias that makes that person ask questions and to observe a new group of people.

  5. Your terms that you chose were very literal and unbiased. I agree that there were a lot of references to magic and daily rituals that seemed to center around the appearance of the "Nacerima" people. But I liked how you pointed out that an anthropologist is almost always going to be biased because that is what makes them curious. I guess the only downfall of having a biased or ehtnocentric opinion on things is thinking that it is the wrong way to live or do things.
