Wednesday, April 25, 2012


When starting the assignement I found it rather easy, but after a certain amount of time it becomes rather difficult, because you run out of how to do things and one might become fusturating because your trying to say something and cant get it across, and even when you speak sometimes the other person still might not understand or they do but then they are going to just have there own feeling about it. Within the aloted time it defintley became more difficult but it was rather fun and very intresting.

I think that at first it was rather funny and then as time had went on again it gets rather fusturating trying to communitcate. The impressions varied from easy where you knew what the person was trying ot say to difficult cause what you thought and what they were trying to tell you were almost oppisite.i feel that they definitley altered the way ther communicated with me because the lack of symbolic communication, you have to inorder to carry a conversation, meaning to grasp what is said and to asnwer.

If two different cultuers were meeting for the first time , I would say that the one that might have the advantage might be who is more literal and educated to interpet language, rather then someone who is less intellectual. But then again it can go another way cause some cultures have there own way of cummincating that we might not understand so they talk just not how we perseve how we talk today. The attitudes that one might have toward the culture that doesnt use symbollic language might be a good attitude depending on the situation. Meaning the way one might interpet a particular situatution considering everyone is different. The only ones that I can see that hae difficulties is people who can not hear, some of them sign, some of then have interpiters, other just read lips. It becomes rather difficult at times to communicate. Again some of them have learned ot deal with it, since they have dealt with it for so long, were others havent. Or they are just starting to. As far as someone who with more intellect, personally I can say sometimes I even have trouble speaking to someone because they use terminology that I dont understand so I have to stop and ask and sometimes tha tis embarassing. But other times if I dont ask then I really just say ok or answer or talk the best way I can. No matter how we all look at it we really dont know and im sure its really hard and rather difficult for anyone to deal with. I know my dad is loosing his hearing and he can read lips but someitmes he thinks he hears something that its not there or when talking to him he will then make something up that has nothing to do with what yo are trying to say. Its crazy at times. But we all learned to deal with it. Thats why I talk very loud.

Part 2

No I was not able to last for the full fifteen minutes. Because its rather hard not to talk with my hands, or any facial expressions. Since thats something I do on a daily basis. For me not to do that was really difficult.

Everyone found it diffrerent, some people easier then others, A few found it as hard as I did. Reason being, some knew how to communicate other ways rather like for me it was difficult since I talk with my hands all the time. I am a very expressionast person. My other friends managed, it was a very unique but inresting assignment.

I feel that it definitley says a lot about signs. Meaning that when doing this assignment you take a lot into account, you may think that it will be easy but as time goes on it becomes more and more difficuly. It is defintley really improtant for non language speeck techniques to be avaliabe in our cummicative ways.

I am sure that there are a lot of people that find it diffiuclt to read body language. But then again everyone is different and they interpt things differently. The adaptive beneiit to the ability to ready body langauge is a greagt deal considering you can communicate with someone else,know what they are saying or they know what you are syaing. Enviormental conditions where there might benfit to not reading body the top of my head I cant really think of any place. But I am sure that there are places out there.

Part 3
Yes I would think that it would have been a lot easier if we could of used written language because it would have made it a lot easier to communicate.

It provides a way of understanding.

The impact that is has on “globalization” I would pressume that the way we talk and interpet comes and goes along way throughout time.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Blog 2

Description of the enviorment they live. (informations on the Andean people as well as Zulu people)

<>In Africa they live flat coastal plain, highlands and numerous rivers and streams. The subtropical climate brings lots of sunshine and brief, intense rain shower.Even though the area which the Zulu live is subtropical when its not the rainy season the land can become very dry and hot this is where the skin of the Zulu people has adapted to accommodate the heat. The darkness of there skin acts like shade in which it helps the body stay cool from the sunlight. Another physical adaption from the Zulu is their hair which is coarse and and oily which helps them to also stay cool and protect their head from direct sunlight.The Zulu also adapted culturally,. Because of the climate in which they live there is no need for excessive clothing men and women have their own seperate wardrobe in which it is proper for them to wear. Less was better for them as we see in the pictures.With it already being so hot down there, we know the closer to the equator the hotter it gets, so im sure its better to have less clothes on. The zulu people wear what is custome to them. Tribal outfits that are very decorative and special to them.Being that I have study a lot I would have assumed that they were african american. Espcially with a name like zulu. Its more of a tribe name.we see that in different areas of the world physical and/or culture adaption is more informative then the other.just depnds like japan vs china vs indian. Although there are different people living there, climates maybe similar and yet they all defintley believe in different things dress different. Its quite intresting but baffling at the same time. As for what wwe have learned about today the zulu from africa, I think that they both have their own reasoning for being in the study of anthropology and both can help determine where a person is from or their heritage.

Andean indian

the area in which the Andean Indians live in is within the tropics, and the seasons are marked more by differences in precipitation than in temperature. Lowlands tend to be hot, but elevation tempers the climate on some of the islands and along the mountain ranges that run through Central America, Colombia, and Venezuela. Areas of heavy rainfall support dense forest, whereas a few dry regions support little more than sparse( as I read inan article).The Andean Indians have addapted physically by, having been born and raised at altitude appears to be substantial advantage in highaltitude performance compared with having been born and raised at sea level. A number of characteristics have been postulated to contribute to a high-altitude Andean phenotype; however, the relative contributions of developmental adaptation (within the individual) and genetic adaptation (within the population of which the individual is part) to the acquisition of this phenotype have yet to be resolved. A complex trait is influenced by multiple genetic and environmental factors and, in humans, it is inherently very difficult to determine what proportion of the trait is dictated by an individual’s genetic heritage and what proportion develops in response to the environment in which the person is born and raised.
The Andean Indians adapted through culture by domesticating the Alpaca for its hide to use for clothes and blankets to stay warm especially on the frost bitten nights. This made them realize that they had to dress diffrently in that weather, cozzy up is what I call it. Kind of intresting to find out how they learned to dress to keep so warm. Its rather very phasanating.When considering Andean Indians you would automatically just say indian because of their back ground but they are calle Andean "Indians".complection and hair texture I would stick with Indian as their race. Now going there would you think in such climate . Over time they had came together to figure whawt we think today is probally the obvious.I think that they both have their own reasoning for being in the study of anthropology and both can help determine where a person is from or their heritage.

Work cited:



My view Like an outside persepective ....

When one is looking at the indians that are in the andes mountians they are in a colder climate and there bodies had devleoped to with hold thoes adapations. They seem to still serve that coldness and build there culture around it. Which ususally what cultures today do. Not only do there bodys adjust and there living but the way they do things. Everything seems to be adjusted to where they live and the work that is put into it.Meaning that just because its cold doesnt mean that they arent going ot serve, although unfortunely there are some people that couldnt take it casue the oxygen levels tend to less out and it really makes ithard to breath let alone survie for a long time without. Once they find that level were they cann obtain lving all year around they adapt quite well. As for the zulu people they live in a much hotter climate. And they have seasons so as for the indians they were living in a cold climate that may change but they didnt know. As for the africans they bodies adapted to hold the heat, and there skin get darker since they are closer to the sun. they began to live off the land and grow different things, this helped them a great deal. Although for both cultures within time it was a learning process and some suffered losses, now it seems as though they have really come along way. As for race, indians and africans come on two different part of the spctrums meaning that its the way one has seen things today rather then how they protrayed it. Difference in color of skin really didnt make that much of a difference as it does today,. It was a way to live and people just adapt and modify there living while they adjust, over time it was they had to do ther ebest to survie ther might have been other people but they didnt let that get into the way as we do today. It seems that we really can take a lot from them. Another way from my personal experience is that I have liveind in newyork for eighteen years which we had gotten all the different seasons, and then we moved out here were there are no seasons u p to recently its summer and spring, I have been out here for more or less for tweleve yeas. I used to be able to really take the cold, and I loved it. Didnt mind walking in it. Or even shoveling it. Now I get cold at basically anything, which iw as told my blood thinned out and I have to wear layersm but it also gets way hot were its hard to breathe and you shouldnt even go out side cause you can really get skin damage from the sun. so living out here I adjusted many way but culturaly even the people are comletly diferent. Back east every one is in your face, blunt out here people are shy andlayed back. So in regards to the andeans and the zulu, they are just people living there life that some higherpower they believe in has givin them making the best of whatever is thrown at them, we can really learn a lot.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

There Body rituals of Nacerima

this is what were were told to do :
Choose five (5) descriptive words you would use to describe the population Miner discusses.

 For each of your chosen words, write a short paragraph explaining why you chose this word and provide examples from the text that back up your choice of this word. (4 pts each for the word and the complete explanation.)

Magical beliefs and practices: i think that its not something that you hear of everyday of someone really doing, it stuck out to me that there are still people today that truely beleive in magic.I am sure that the anthropologist that was there in person an saw all this was just as intregued and intrested as i was just reading. In the text it was stated that they the Nacerima present to us that they are an example of the extremes to which human behaivor can go.

Ritual activity: this takes there magical beleif into action. this is something the Nacerima people really beleive in and hold to in strong bleifes that it is an everydy thing. its somethng that seems to be out of the ordinar in our life time but nothing but very strict in there culture. in the text thought its stated that the Nacerima devoted  ost of there day and time doing things as such. and there human body is there focus.

Shrines: now again, now a days you only really read about people and them beleiving and focusing there beliefs on shrines. i am sure once seen  its a true sight to see and hear about. in the text it was stated that they have one or more of the shrines that are devoted to debuil;ty and disease more powerfull person in the tribe have more but the lesser poorer people imatate the rich by applying pottery placks.

Herbologists:  i am sure someone has herd of this before, i have some people are just natural beleives in the law of the land especially helping you out when you are sick and healing. so this stuck out t o me cause its something ihave heard of. in the text they hyave what we call a medicine mn and they have powers and potions and Nacerima people prvide them with gifts and they get charms which go into there charm box and they the people in the trib hold onto it.

gums bleed, this was something i really wasnt sure of but i thought that it was intresting, they really are self consious about how they apear to other people in the tribe its quite cool after reading the whole article how well they take care of there body and family cause they might do things that are really different but in essence we do something thats different to them,. in the text it states that they are reakky horrible fasanated with there mouth they hae strong beliefs that go with there moutjhs.

1.  As an american i would have to state the descriptive words that i have used are out of the ordinary, meaning that i dont know of people today in america that still practice things as such that. I am sure there are some really religious beliefs that people have but as fas as how the nacmeria people do things its just for me i dont practice my religion like that. i am a practicing cathlic and i go to church and we listen to the priest. ususally once a week if not some people do it from home. we sing and listen to the priest talk about life morals. and its usually about an hour long and then we leave church and go home. nothing unusall usually happens, or atleasst i dont think so i think its rather moderate.

I would assume that the words that i have choosen descirbe them on what there are doing but how i feel what they do i dont think i am judging them but they the nacerima people might take it that i am juding them, but i truely just find what they do just so different and out of the ordinary for me from what i practice. Are any of your words free of bias?my words are free of biases, but its hard to explain if the reader might take it a different way, i am taking words that stick out to me and really caught my eye on describing these people such that of practicing magic, the herboligist and mouth bleeding, is somethings that they do. Which we dont see every day here. i mean this is just how things are for how there culture is. again its something that we as americans arent use to since we are more of a moderate nation.Meaning that today if i recall there are some limitations if you are from a different culture on how you are allowed to practice. since we have laws and regulations it creates a barrier on how one if practincg something such that the nacerima practices it wouldnt be tolerated in todays world i would tihnk. again i am not trying to be biases but one reading all this might interpit all differently. 

3.  to serve the same purpose i dont think i can, just because i picked such literall terms.meaning anything else is just going to be more explicit to what i am really trying to get across.

when one is a cultural anthropologist and going seeking out different cultures they defintley would have to be bias knowing that they themselves beleive in something that is comepletely different then what they are going to encounter. i am sure that it is extremely hard, but thats why one might ask questions and talk about whats going on and have a better undedrstand so that that biases can  be eliminated. i awm sure that its reallhy hard for someone to know have a persoabnl feeling towards anything that they see and that they beleve but it gets done :)

Monday, April 9, 2012


Hi my name is vanessa, i moved here when i was eighteen from brooklyn new york, i currently reside in castaic, california. Where i attend community college. I also am currently a single mom, juggling it all. Its defintley always a fun filled day at my house. Although, i know time management isnt my greatest, i do my best. I currently have three classes left in order to achieve my goal of getting my assoictes degree. Which i am very well accomplishing, just a little further to do. I cant wait.:)