hunter gathers

1. Identify the benefits of both subsistence patterns.  For Food foraging : they move as needed with hin a certain regin. They are competetive,they are in a small group, they regulate there population size.they divide up the labor by gendor. They all share food with one another. They porportion there food. And they are very terriotrial. As far as agriculture its food being produced. That uses more techniloquical such as tools and irrigation, fertilization. Crop cultivation is generaly substantial, meaning that you can use it for multiple things not just for eating. Such as that for trading and for medicine so it goes a long way.
2. Identify the costs (or disadvantages) of both subsistence patterns. (10 pts) it seems as though for gathers they trade and are in one civilization so they work together and share and trade for which what they need within there community. As far as argiculture, they are a higher technilocial so its seems as though you get more meaning not only trade for money or other things but its good for eatting and making medicine. So it goes along way. And the more advance that we become into more recources in order to make money, although there are takes and wages because you have people doing all the work so they want the best way to make more for the cheapest labor, were as to in a society they split up the needed labor.
3. Which subsistence pattern provides a healthier diet? Explain. I guess it really depends on hwo you look at things, from my point of view it depends. I guess they both have there own ways in order to be a healthy diet. (5 pts)
  1. Discuss why you think some human populations made the transition into agriculture? The reason that I believe that some human population have made the transition to argiculture is because of the money and or because we are so highly advance. Meaning that we want to make the most of what we have in the least chpeast way possible. Today we have some people that still grow and gather there food, very seldum people will hunt but there are some people that do, depending on where you live cause I believe it may be illegal in some areas, but other then that its just easier for people to buy it meanig food then to go and really do all the work. So I guess we have become lazier in a sense today

Part 2: Economics and Trade:
1.  A prestige econmy. Creation of a surplus for the express purpose of gaining prestige through a publi display of wealth .
2.  well you can trade for money or trade for other things such that of food or other things. Meaning that you are giong to socialy interact with another person and ask for something in return so you go somewhere to barter. You can meet different people and interact with them , make friends and learn different things.
3.  well I mena maybe u get shorted or you dont get what you want, you can meet smone that out does you ro even someone that really might like. This is how I interpit it.
4.  withing the time that we hae come along, we have really advanced in technical things. Which made it I guess easier for a person to produce what they need in order to obtain the certain things they want. It seems as thought with that we have a lot of different commidites that come from this